- Product Detail
Every student lays out a product detail layout using HTML and CSS.
The product should at least include an image, a description and a list with key features/product attributes.
Delivery via Email (ZIP, WeTransfer) to jonas.scheiwiller@wearelucid.ch.
per 810.5.2019. Exercises handed in later than 24:00 on the 810.5.2019 won't be graded and result in course failure. - Shopping cart
Every students develops his personal «shopping cart» layout using HTML, CSS and eventually JavaScript.
Delivery via Email (ZIP, WeTransfer) to jonas.scheiwiller@wearelucid.ch.
per 4.6.2019. Exercises handed in later than 24:00 on the 4.6.2019 won't be graded and result in course failure.
- UI
- Image (at least one)
- Lists
- Headings, Text
Mediaqueries (Responsive layout)
Exercise: Shopping Cart