Code Block |
PVector vec1 = new PVector(1,2); PVector vec2 = new PVector(3,4); // read out components of vec1 println(vec1.x); println(vec1.y); println(vec1.z); println(vec1); println(vec2); // set new components of vector vec1.set(10,20); println(vec1); // vector addition when creating a new vector println("-- Vec Add --"); PVector resVec = PVector.add(vec1,vec2); println(resVec); // adding a vector to an existing vector vec1.add(vec2); println(vec1); // vector subtraction println("-- Vec Sub --"); resVec = PVector.sub(vec1,vec2); println(resVec); vec1.sub(vec2); println(vec1); // vector multiplication println("-- Vec Mult --"); resVec = PVector.mult(vec1,2); println(resVec); vec1.mult(2); println(vec1); // find vector magnitude println("-- Vec Length --"); println(vec1.mag()); // find angle between two vectors println("-- Vec Angle Between --"); println(degrees(PVector.angleBetween(vec1, vec2))); // normalise a vector println("-- Vec Normalise --"); vec1.normalize(); println(vec1); println(vec1.mag()); |
Example 1: Gravity
Here we use vectors to create a force of attraction. The force's effect is accumulative, always adding to the velocity of our ellipse.
Code Block |
PVector pos = new PVector(200,200);
PVector velocity = new PVector(1,0);
void setup() {
void draw() {
PVector direction = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
direction.sub(pos); // by subtracting the pos from mouse coordinates, we end up with a vector between the two points
direction.normalize(); // now we have a vector with the length of 1, this tells us the direction we want to push out ellipse in
direction.mult(.1); // we shorten the vector (magnitude), this gives us our speed
velocity.add(direction); //we add the direction to our velocity, so the changes accumulate over time
pos.add(velocity); // pos + velocity give us our new position!
ellipse(pos.x, pos.y,30,30);
}; |
Example 2: Bouncy ball
Here we use vectors to simulate the effect of bouncing.
Code Block |
PVector pos = new PVector(200,200);
PVector velocity = new PVector(1,0);
float damper = 0.99;
void setup() {
void draw() {
velocity.mult(damper); // always slow the ball down to simulate resistance
pos.add(velocity); // pos + velocity give us our new position!
// if the ball is above or below the screen, invert the y value of the velocity to send it back where it came from
if (pos.y<0 || pos.y>height) {
velocity.y = -velocity.y;
// if the ball is left or right of the screen, invert the x value
if (pos.x<0 || pos.x>width) {
velocity.x = -velocity.x;
ellipse(pos.x, pos.y,30,30);
if(mousePressed) {
// show us our "line of power"
line(pos.x,pos.y, mouseX,mouseY);
void mouseReleased() {
// when the mouse is released we give a ball a big push
PVector direction = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
direction.sub(pos); // by subtracting the pos from mouse coordinates, we end up with a vectore between the two points
direction.mult(.2); // we shorten the magnitude to reduce the power of the push
velocity.set(direction); //now we have our new velocity
Example 3: Car follower
The physics of a car a very different to a planet or a bouncy ball, yet most of the parameters are the same.
Code Block |
PVector pos = new PVector(200,200);
PVector velocity = new PVector(1,0);