Scaler Multiplication only effects the magnitude of the vector, leaving the direction unchanged. However, if the vector is multiplied by a negative, then the direction is reversed! Scaler Multiplication can be used to control the acceleration of space ship ot to simulate wind resistance or drag. If an object in a game collides with wall for example, we may want to multiply the objects vector by -1, to reverse it's direction so that it bounces off the surface.
Diagram 5. Vector multiplication
Diagram 6c = (4, 5)
2c = (8, 10)
Diagram 5. Vector negative multiplication
Processing has a vector class called ‘PVector‘, which can be two or three dimensions. Basic vector maths are included in a number of methods of the PVector class, so processing can do all the hard work for you.
Code Block |
PVector vec1 = new PVector(1,2); PVector vec2 = new PVector(3,4); println(vec1.x); println(vec1.y); println(vec1.z); println(vec1); println(vec2); vec1.set(10,20); println(vec1); println("-- Vec Add --"); PVector resVec = PVector.add(vec1,vec2); println(resVec); vec1.add(vec2); println(vec1); println("-- Vec Sub --"); resVec = PVector.sub(vec1,vec2); println(resVec); vec1.sub(vec2); println(vec1); println("-- Vec Mult --"); resVec = PVector.mult(vec1,2); println(resVec); vec1.mult(2); println(vec1); println("-- Vec Length --"); println(vec1.mag()); println("-- Vec Angle Between --"); println(degrees(PVector.angleBetween(vec1, vec2))); println("-- Vec Normalize --"); vec1.normalize(); println(vec1); println(vec1.mag()); |