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Digital fabrication is a process that merges design and manufacture through the use of digital tools (software) and computer-controlled manufacturing processes. Such processes position "digital natives" in the forefront of craft and form generation. Today, engineers, designers and artists are leading the development of new sculpting, construction and manufacturing strategies. Methods such as CNC milling, laser cutting, robotic fabrication among others, allow us to materialise radical new forms inspired by biological processes, mathematics and computational geometry.

Lecturers: Clemens Winkler, Luke Franzke, Clemens Winkler

Course Goals

In this course, students gain an insight into methods and techniques that blur the boundary between digital and analogue, virtual and physical. Students gain insights into principles from geometry and formation processes from nature. The course provides a number of skills that are highly transferable to various aspects of prototyping for interaction designers.     

Course Structure

The course is Monday to Friday over two weeks, with the first week focuses on basic skills, and the 2nd week focuses on the main project. In the first week, students work individually to acquire basic skills. In the 2nd week, students form teams of 2 to 3 students to complete the main project.



  • Digital fabricated food
  • Lab-Grown Meat food 
  • Hybrid Fabrication in food production (new paradigms for food production between artisan and mass production) 
  • Automation 
  • New mechanism of nutrition (Intravenous? Aerosols ? Soylentgreen?) 
  • Generative design of aromas, textures, flavours and forms. 



Other ideas

Expectations and Grading

Grades will be based on group presentations, class participation, documentation and final work. An attendance of min. 80% is required to pass the course.


  1. Workbook documentation of exercises and minor projects from weeks 1
  2. Presentation of Minor Project

Group Work (70%) 


  1. Exhibition of process and outcomes
  2. Final Presentation 
  3. Standard IAD Documentation 
    • Video (Making of, Final Prototype)
    • Image selection
    • Short Documentation (PDF)


  • 5 minutes for presentation, and 5 minutes for feedback and discussion
  • Live demonstration of your project Explain project when suitable
  • Explanation of the process and the thinking that brought you to this outcome 

Time Plan

Room for all days: 3.E07-A

Week 1 Digitial FabricationMo., 6.1.Tu. 7.1.

We 8.1.

Th. 9.1.

Fr. 10.1.


10.00 Intro Digital Fabrication

11:00 Tinkercad intro


00 Cad Software exercises  

00 Minor exercise  

Processing and 3D Geometry


Minor Project

Minor Project




CAD Software 

13:00 Rhino Introduction

Minor Exercise Start: Make small things big. 

15:00 Minor exercise presentation. 

16.00 3D Printing intro

Intro 1 Start Minor exercise 

Minor Exercise

with Cetus 3D

Minor Exercise 2: 



30 (Nieves filming and wrap up) 

Minor Project 2



CNC Milling Intro13.30 Minor project end

Minor Project 2 presentation 

Week 2

Future of  Food

Mo. 13.1.

Tu. 14.1.

We. 15.1.

Th. 16.1.Fr. 17.1.

Clemens Introduction

9:00 Input of food fabrication part I

Work on Main Project 

Work on Main Project 


11.00 Final Presentation 


Perspectives on Food fabrication 

13:00 Input of food fabrication part II

Work on Main Project 

13.00 Mentoring

Work on Main Project 
16.00 Final Presentation 

Work on Main Project 



Cleaning Up/ Documenting


//ToDos for Luke and Clemens:

Prepare Raw Material:  

  • Chocolate for meltingmelting 
  • Silicone 
  • Molecular Gastronomy Materials 

Prepare inputs relating to foods:


  • Find room from the final presentation / Setting up Pop-Up kitchen or dining table (including lasercut´ lasercut dishes, recipes) for presenting – other people can share ideas on what the food might be for > social impact of outcomes (only ~3hours)
  • Find a space for a more permanent exhibit (stammtisch?) 
  • Find room for software inputs 
  • Get a screen for inputs (or beamer)input
  • Campus Card for Clemens