- Exhibition workshop (4.K13, Galerie 1)
25 March 2020, 17:00
- Send exhibition concept incl. requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs/iPads to Martin Dusek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch)
- Deadline «AVZ Geräte», order equipment like projectors, headphones, media players etc. (excl. iMacs/iPads) via online form (detailed information are given at «Informationsanlass»)
- Exhibition Layout review to all mentors and students by Martin Dusek (at the beginning of Progress session 3)
- Send address list for invitations «Business-Apéro» event on 11 June 2020, 18:00 @ Galerie 1 (4.K13) to Alexandra (alexandra.landolt@zhdk.ch)
(invitation to companies, industry contacts, offices, agencies and friends)
- Send pictures and abstracts for diploma publication to your mentors, Jürgen Späth (juergen.spaeth@zhdk.ch), Björn Franke (bjorn.franke@zhdk.ch) and Martin Dusek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch)
- Updated Pictures and abstracts for diploma publication, via email to Martin Dusek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch)
- Vernissage "Diplomausstellung", opening ZHdK exhibition at 17.00 // official opening IAD exhibition with Apéro at 17.30: Attendance is compulsory for all BA und MA students
5 June 2020, 10:00–12:00
- Clear-out work space student atelier 4.K22 (only BA)
5–19 June 2020
- Exhibition, open daily from 12:00–20:00
Plan for exhibition shifts «Betreuung Ausstellung» will be sent separately by Martin Dusek
24 June 2020
- Exhibition take-down
- ClearFinal clear-out work space student atelier 4K4.K22 (only BA). Please be aware that
- Return the AV devices (@ ZHdK-Ausleihe, 09:00–16:00)
- Return iMacs/iPads (@ IAD office, 09:00–12:00)