Classes are one of the most important programming constructs of Java and many other languages. They are the abstract model or blueprint for an object. One could We can also see understand classes as extended data types. Unlike the primitive data types we have already looked at, classes define both variables and functions. Programmers call class variables attributes, and class functions are as methods, but otherwise they work much the same to the variables and functions we already know. But in order to get access to these attributes and methods we need to user dot syntax: a "." must be placed after the object name, followed by the name of the attribute or the method.
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class BouncingBall { PVector _pos; PVector _dir; float _dampV; PShape _shape; int _w; int _h; // constructor konstruktor BouncingBall(int shapeWidth,int shapeHeight) { _pos = new PVector(width/2, height/2); _dir = new PVector(0,0); _dampV = 1; _w = shapeWidth; _h = shapeHeight; _shape = loadShape("ball1.svg"); } // setztset diethe neuenew posposition + richtungdirection + daempfungdampening void set(PVector pos,PVector dir,float dampV) { _pos = pos.get(); _dir.add(dir); _dampV = dampV; } // erneuertupdate diethe aktuellecurrent position void calcPos() { // aktuellecurent position verschiebenshifted _pos.add(_dir); // bewegungsmovement vektorvector veraendertmodified _dir.mult(_dampV); // testetest horizontalhorisontal if(_pos.x + _w/2 > width) { _dir.x *= -1; _pos.x = width - _w/2; } else if(_pos.x - _w/2 < 0) { _dir.x *= -1; _pos.x = _w/2; } // testetest vertikalvertical if(_pos.y + _h/2 > height) { _dir.y *= -1; _pos.y = height - _w/2; } else if(_pos.y - _h/2 < 0) { _dir.y *= -1; _pos.y = _h/2; } } // zeichnetdraw denthe ball void draw() { calcPos(); shape(_shape, _pos.x,_pos.y, _w,_h); } } class BallEx extends BouncingBall { BallEx(int size) { super(size,size); } void draw() { super.draw(); line(0,0,_pos.x,_pos.y); } } |