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TOPIC: Embodied Fabrication 


Dr Joëlle Bitton
David Wollschlegel

Guest inputs:
Luke Franzke
Marcial Koch
Lucy Dukes


Office hours by appointment

The course runs from 15.11.21 22 - 23.12.2122, from 9.00 - 17.00. See Timetable for more detailed hours.

Overview and Objectives

The course proposes an examination and speculation of technologies as they related to Embodied Interaction (ie. mobile computing, wearable interfaces, location-based interactions and digital fabrication...).
This examination covers societal, ethical and social influences.

This year, the course puts an emphasis on 'Embodied Fabrication', where digital fabrication is methods are approached from the perspective of embodiment.
With more flexible and more accessible modes of fabrication and of generative design, and with social interactive aspects of fabrication materiality and biodesign emerging in recent years, we have the opportunity to investigate ways that we can transform our physical selves and environments. This course will let us through a journey of interfacing the analog and the digital, with the body as mediator between the two. 

During this module, we'll uncover some of these possibilities by designing and informing our bodily environment increasingly influenced by data tracking. By group work, you'll propose interactive forms of body extension/representation/mirror/sense.
Design factors have to include:
• material intimacyintimacy 
• processes of fabrication 
• data tracking & mapping mapping / generative design
• wearability or extension or external or sensorial apparatus

• performative aspects
interactive components
• political / environmental / societal context


Your work will encounter some of these research questions:

  • What does interaction Design bring to the topic of Digital Fabrication? 
  • How can the theory of embodied interaction influence digital fabrication processes? 



  • Define your own meaning of an interaction that is 'embodied'
  • How does that translate with materials?
  • What are the possible interactive experiences with materials?
  • What tools/technology can be used to facilitate this process? 
  • How can data be materialised in physical form? Can the data be understood, or is it a purely aesthetic outputIn what ways does material influence the perception of data?
  • How is digital fabrication influencing embodied interaction?

Expectations and Gradings

Grades will be based on group presentations and exercises, class participation, documentation (journal) and final work. 
Contributing to constructive group feedback is an essential aspect of class participation. 
Regular attendance is required. Two or more unexcused absences will affect the final grade. Arriving late on more than one occasion will also affect the grade.

Final work 50% 40% 

Group exercisesAssignments/presentations 20% 30% 

Journal Documentation 20% 


Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.  


  • Thursday Workshop 17.11 & 18.11Kickoff Exercise



      • Collection Exercise I: Analogue Data Collection 

        Look for sources of your personal body data in the real world. What traces do we leave behind that give us indications about our movements, vital signs or emotions
        Be aware of the data you're collecting without intention. Or are you currently collecting data intentionally? 
        Is there a type of data that reveals something specific about your life, your interactions with your environment? Can a short sample offer a complex reflection?
        Your survey has to comprehend at least 6 hours of tracking and showcase a complex aspect of your entangled life (beyond a specific quantity tracking). 
        Think of questions you want to answer before you start tracking.

        Record videos or take photos to indicate and attempt to extract the data or reflect on it. 
        Represent that data in a performative way. 

        Presentation/performance: max 2 minutes Individual work

      • Weekly progress reviews
      • Booklet 1st concept, prototype & inspirations
        Friday Workshop
        Tutorials for scraping Instagram, scraping Tinder, using database from Google Location History in kml format in Processing, using Real Time location with GYROSC, and using with to connect web sockets are here::: Tutorials_scraping_gps_and_more_avt.pdf
        Final Project and Presentation: Wearable designed from personal data

        minutes - you can invite the audience to take part, use props, etc

        Individual work

      • Collection Exercise II: Material Collection 
        In advance, select materials you want to experiment with: biomaterials, minerals, off-the-shelf, chemicals, liquids, growing, reactive, decaying, static, states, duration, texture, smell, taste, touch, etc
        Think of where they come from, how they have been extracted, by whom, their lifecycle, their history, their trade, their price value, their exploitation, rarity, waste, off-the-shelf, availability, function, unfunction, forms of fabrication, etc... 
        Bring them for a collective experimental day, list characteristics, qualities and behaviours and determine which interface could be derived from its properties.

      • Collection Exercise III: Digital Data Collection 
        - See Workshops for details

      • In-class Exercises, Performances & Weekly progress reviews (bring iterated prototype/sketches/experiments for each mentoring)

      • Mid-Class Delivery: Booklet concept, prototype & inspirations
        PDF featuring texts and visuals: Overall Concept, Main directions, Inspirations/Related Work (references, authors, dates, visuals) Material inquiries, and Prototype 
      • Final Project and Presentation: Interactive embodied fabricated apparatus

        Use Data-Collection, Generative Design Methods and Digital Fabrication to create Data Driven Wearable (an interactive body apparatus (wearable, fashion item, prosthesis, orthesis, prosthetics, implant, extension, external apparatus, architecture, etc).

        Questions to consider in your process:

        • What drives the design? (example: is it functional, speculation or critique)
        • Where could the data come from? (example: sensors)
        • How do you map the data to a geometry? (example: using a metaphor) 
        • Or is the form making process inspired by existing models? (example: fungus, cell division, mathematical geometry,…)
        • What are the materials used? What are their properties, lifecycle, etc
        • What is the fabrication process? 
        • What does your body extension connect with the surrounding environment?
        • What does it embody?
        • What meanings does it create?

        In groups of four or five students 

      • Presentation Format: Exhibition of Experiments & Performance with Final Prototypes together with an oral presentation.

        Presentation on: 22.12.2122

      • Documentation 

        •  A 'Journal' is developed by each student group of students that reflects on experiments and learnings from the course. It should be in the form of an online blog (ie. WordPress, Tumblr or other):
          • The journal should be structured in a generally comprehensible manner
          • The lecture notes, including annotations, are stored
          • Notes, sketches for each lesson should be included as well

        • Final Documentation per usual guidelines: title, authors, abstract, hi-res pics, PDF with commentary text, video documentation (see Wiki)

      Course outline  

      Student Teams & Journals 

      Team "Echo":

      Daniel Treystman, Silvan Weber, Miguel Seabra, Dzhullia Kolodko

      Team "Space Invaders":

      Johannes Reck, Janosch Tillich, Eleonora Bonorva, Fabrizio Willi, Sandro Beti

      Team "moph":

      Bin Martig, Rejane Schrago, Guan Arobei, Thore Reigber

      Team "Aerobic organism":

      Nadia Westermann, Elena De Carlo,  Svenja Steurer, Nicola Bischof

      Journals Readings

      Embodied Interaction: Exploring the Foundations of a New Approach to HCI


      Data (Revealing hidden information) (data experienceable) 

      Tools and Software


      5. link>

      6a. link>

      6b. link>

      Input Fabrication Process & Body extensions

      Examples Scan Data / Rhino
