Versions Compared


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"Sweet Dreams are Made of This" proposes to dive into the very essence of interaction design agency, ahead of the thesis semester. How does a design project emerges from a particular interest? Should it have an impact? And at what scale? Through a variety of references, we'll address notions of dreams, contribution, position. , creativity and ownership, especially as they relate to contemporary societal questions. We usually consider that a novel contribution to knowledge has to be read about, dreamed about in a visionary sense, used and related to, through hands on testing, iterations and prototyping at various stages, explored orally and visually, and discussed by peers and tutors. The course is structured around materials discussions showcasing social engagement, activism and aesthetic movements, various assignments such as fictional dream-like scenarios and practical workshop formats.

This course is also a guided exercise in your autonomy to look for relevant references and to integrate them as part of your research endeavour. You should start early with topics of interest for your diploma work, even it is expected that they might evolve or even change completely. In that sense, even if your topic changes, the questions & methods that will be addressed in this class will be valid throughout your diploma work. Different Different than previous theory classes, with mostly discussions based on readings, this class is a continuous assignment-based exploration of your research engagement. It is required proposing that you follow through and ride the wave, with joy.


12 sessions structured around the notions of engagement, positioning, creative research and ownership.



Literature Review / Related Work mapping 40%

Research exercises 20%

Background Research (grade and % is part of diploma work) 

Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade. 



ASSIGNMENTS - deliver on the server

In-class assignments 

  • Readings & documents where indicated (various dates)
  • Present a non-Western position project pre-1899 / Post on Miro board (0230.1009.2324)
  • 1-page observation essay/visuals (14.10.2324)
  • Present books (17.10.2324)
  • Dream (0402.12.2324)

Mid-semester assignments (11.11.24)


  • Compile at least 10 related works - define the criteria from them that matter and make a visualisation where you situate your own interest.
    Following your statement, and with your choice of visual representation/metaphor, design a data visualisation showcasing where your project is situated among existing projects and references that address similar questions.
    Related projects can include design and art projects, literature, movies, initiatives, etc.
    Each project cited should be credited with author(s), year, country and should be commented for its relevance to your topic.

Final + Diploma assignment (15.12.23)grade and % is part of diploma work) (06.01.25) 

  • Background Research chapter: Version 1 includes literature review, related works, early field encounters, positioning


Session 01 – 23.09.24 – What is the Action? - 5.H01

Presenting the syllabus & assignments & arc of the course.

Writing exercises based on reflections by students from the last two years of studies and how they consider what a contribution is, as they head towards their thesis semesterfinal year of BA study.

(red star)Assignments for the following week:

- Find 1 non-Western project that is itself a form of manifesto or position in art, craft, technology or science that dates before 1899 and in class next week, explain what makes it inspiring to you, how it sets a certain defining moment and how it is relevant for our time Share images/doc/short text on Miro board by the following Monday 9.00 .
- Readings(include pic, authors, date, source, link + your name)

Session 02 – 30.09.24 – Making & Making Sense - on In Formation - On Zoom

We'll first look at the material you found, and discuss the readings,

Then through the word "interaction", we address notions of taking action in a context of emergency, in particular the case study of Act Up, an organisation that has set methods of taking action. 

Watching excepts from two movies recalling the legacy of the organisation Act Up :

  • How to Survive A Plague (David France, 2012)
  • 120 BPM (Robin Campillo, 2013) 

In a class exercise, you will write about your own positioning.

Image AddedAssignments for the following week:
- Describe topic choice in 2 structured paragraph with initial research questions and describe in particular what is creative about your approach 
- Plan tandem choice

- Readings

Session 03 – 07.10.24 – Making & Making Sense - 5.H01

Briefly Present Topic choice & tandem.
In an in-class exercise, in groups of 2 or 3 - discuss your research interest and get feedback about your research questions (what are your assumptions, the possible stereotypes&clichés, what could be the challenges, the opportunities, what angle would be most compelling to address, etc). Identify which research method can help your check your assumptions, based on the methods you encountered in your studios and theory classes and invent a new research method
Each group will present. 


Be familiar with some research terminology:
- Mackenzie, N.,Knipe, S. 2006. "Research Dilemmas: Paradigms, methods and methodology". Issues in Education Research, 16 (2), 193 – 205.In brief, qualitative research:
- 'An Introduction to Qualitative Research' prepared by Christina Hughes, Department of Sociology, University of Warwick. 

Look at examples of research & design in HCICreative Research:
-  Zimmermann J., Forlizzi J. 2014. "Research Through Design in HCI" in J.S. Olson and W.A. Kellogg (eds.), Ways of Knowing in HCI, Springer Science+Business Media, New YorkKara, Helen. 2020. Creative Research Methods. A Practical Guide. Bristol University Press. Chapter 1 "Introducing Creative Research", pp 26-45.

Learning by doing:
- Tin, Mikkel B. 2013. "Manifesto: Making and the Sense it makes". In Studies in Material Thinking. Vol.9 Inside Making. 

Image ModifiedAssignments for the following week
- Describe topic choice in 2 structured paragraph with initial research questions and describe the creative components 
- Plan tandem choice

Session 03 – 30.09.24 – In Formation - 4K16

Briefly Present Topic choice & tandem.

Then through the word "interaction", we address notions of taking action in a context of emergency, in particular the case study of Act Up, an organisation that has set methods of taking action. 

Watching excepts from two movies recalling the legacy of the organisation Act Up :

  • How to Survive A Plague (David France, 2012)
  • 120 BPM (Robin Campillo, 2013) 

In a class exercise, you will write about your own positioning.

Image RemovedAssignments for the following week:
Do a short observation of a situation that you want to tackle, and if applicable meet and interview the people involved. Present the results in a short essay with visuals (max. 1-2 pages). Share on the server by the following Monday 9.00.

ssignment in advance for the free flow seminar:
Bring 2 books that inspire you for your topic in a large or detailed scope.
+ 1 serendipitous book
Go to the library - either ZHdK or a library of your choice. Browse the aisles -except the design section - without looking for something in particular. Open books that attract you from title, cover, look...

Bring Pick a thesis from past BA students (available at IAD office or on the server).
Bring those 4 items with you to the free flow retreat retreat and present them.


Session 04 - 14.10.24 - What is the Action? - Part Two - 45.K16H01

In groups of 2 or 3, find a way to create "an actionable moment" based on a piece of information you receive (I will distribute it) and rapid prototype it during class.

We'll review together the final next assignment guidelines and the diploma thesis structure.

Assignment for 11.11.24: Develop your research interest into a statement of intent (see questions) and compile a detailed literature review of 8 essays (no web articles or blog posts) that help you advance your research and unpack your topic. The goal is to narrow down your topic from a big overview to 2-3 possible angles - make one paragraph introduction to your literature review. Additionally, find 10 related projects, define the criteria from them that matter and make a visualisation where you situate your own interest. This should keep being developed until the final assignment which is an extension and update of this work. Share on the server.


Detailed program is indicated in the Free Flow program. This is a 2-day deep dive into your research interests and ways to let them flow, in conversation with mentors.

Session 09 – 11– 11.11.24 – Joyful and Creative Research  Research - On Zoom

Guest Intervention: Naomi Bulliard, Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion, UAL.


Naomi's Bio

Naomi's talk “Encounters at the end of the Earth: manoeuvres with Black Studies” will acknowledge the work of Black Studies scholars and creatives. Their work can help us understand how the narratives of Earth-bound capitalist systems can be arrested or suspended. Alternative possibilities are illuminated through new Black Ecologies, in which time, space, technologies, spirits, and lifeforms offer other trajectories of living and undisciplined ways of thinking as designers. 

Naomi is linguist and multilingual educator with expertise in participatory design, cultures of sustainability and intercultural collaborations. She has worked in academic and professional roles in education across locations and generations, and has created professional development courses and awards in intercultural and inclusive working practices.  
As Head of Strategy at Centre for Sustainable Fashion, one of University of the Arts’ Research Centres, Naomi oversees strategic activities across Research, Education and Knowledge Exchange, and the development of sustainability literacy and strategies. She has worked on a number of international cross-sector collaborations centred around experiential learning, displacement, diversity and inclusion, and design for sustainability.  

Topic & Exercise-in-class: The ReModelling Futures Method

The ReModelling Futures Method is a framework that enables transformation design for sustainability at the very core of the creative process. Using speculative scenario building, it supports codesign of products, services, and systems that demonstrate value using more than economic or short term parameters for decision-making.

Assignment for the following week:

-  Read Read your peers statements of intent and think of at least 1 question or suggestion or remark to share with your peer.
- Browse Readings

Session 10 – 18.11.24 – Collective feedback feedback - On Zoom

Discussion of statements and feedback to your peers. You take over the session.

This class' readings are 3 examples of conducting, structuring and presenting creative research.
Last week, we approached elements of joyful research and you should have gained a large collection of ideas and examples. How do you relate to them? 
How will you investigate your research questions in a creative and playful way?

Gaver, W., Dunne A, Pacenti E. 1999.  "The Presence Project", in RCA, Journal Interactions, Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan./Feb. 1999.

Jarvis, N., Cameron, D., Boucher, A. 2012. Attention To Detail: Annotations of a design process. pp. 11-20. 

Gaver, W. 2011. "Making spaces: How design workbooks work" in Proceedings of CHI 2011, Vancouver.

Image RemovedAssignment Image AddedAssignments for the following week:

- Review past BA thesis students 
Browse ReadingsReading:
James Pierce. 2012. Undesigning Technology: Considering the negation of design by design. CHI 2012.

Session 11 – 25– 25.11.24 – Own it it - On Zoom

Going back to the theme of responsibility, we've discussed in past classes the various roles of a designer and entanglements with modes of production and consumption.
Look for instance at the commodity of cotton and its commerce, can your dream be transformed into a nightmare?


Exercise-in-class: list where your thesis work is not changing anything .and where it could make it even worse
Exercise-in-class: looking at former IAD students' BA thesis
Readings (Browse through):

Eco, U. 2015. How to Write a Thesis. MIT Press. 1st ed. 1977. 

Koskinen, I., Zimmerman, J., Binder, T., Redström, J., & Wensveen, S. 2011. Design research through practice: From lab, field, and showroom. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Image RemovedAssignment for the following week:

- Dream. 
Session 12 – 09Image AddedAssignment for the following week:

- watch the Importance of Self-Delusion.
- Dream
- Readings:
This class' readings are 2 examples of conducting, structuring and presenting creative research.
In a past session, we approached elements of joyful research and you should have gained a large collection of ideas and examples. How do you relate to them? 
How will you investigate your research questions in a creative and playful way?

Gaver, W., Dunne A, Pacenti E. 1999.  "The Presence Project", in RCA, Journal Interactions, Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan./Feb. 1999.
K. Song & E. Paulos. 2021. Unmaking: Enabling and Celebrating the Creative Material of Failure, Destruction, Decay, and Deformation. CHI 2021

Session 12 – 02.12.24 – How far? - On Zoom

Dream it bigger and create an ongoing dialog between what is and what might be. Which aspects could be extended? How could you add something? Make it smaller: What could you leave out? Which aspects could be reduced? How far can you go? What is your ambition? What should you be aware of in terms of responsibility? Do you want the largest audience? Do you want media coverage? Who is your audience?

During class, share your ultimate dream
How far can you go: watch the Importance of Self-Delusion.
Have a look at the "Center for Political Beauty", and how this center develops innovative forms of political activism to provoke, rise awareness and to preserve humanitarianism.

In a loop back to where we started, we'll end this class with a look at impact and contribution, particularly in relation to current societal matters.

How will your topic has shaped itself in the past few months? See where you started and where you're going.


 06 06.01.25 - 09.00 - Final Assignment: deadline***Background research chapter deadline
