10:00 Max introduction lecture
11:00 Lecture "How computers Think".
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Activity working with logic gates.
- Engineering and material science developments (transistors, quartz crystals oscillators, Integrated Chips etc)
- Interface and HCI developments (punch cards to Douglas Engelbart etc)
- Ubiquitous Computing (Mark Weiser)
- Mechanical Computing (Abacus, Antikythera Mechanism, Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage)
- Electricity, Electronics & Transistor (Edison, Tesla)
- Xerox Parc
- Bell Labs (Telephone, Telegraph, UNIX, UI)
- The Internet (Tim Berners Lee)
- HCI: Inputs and Displays
- The Nature of Code
- “How the body shapes the way we think” pfeifer and Bongard
- “Foundations of neural networks fuzzy systems and knowledge engineering”
- The Big Switch - Nicolas Carr
- Computational Design Thinking: Computation Design Thinking
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
- The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology