The IAD department has a specific list of books accessible from the ZHdK library. BA and MA theses can also be consulted in the library.
Inside Smartgeometry: Expanding the Architectural Possibilities of Computational Design | Terri Peters, Brady Peters | ISBN-13: 978-1118522479 |
Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought AD | Xavier De Kestelier, Brady Peters, | ISBN-13: 978-1119952862 |
Material Computation: Higher Integration in Morphogenetic Design Architectural Design | Achim Menges | ISBN-13: 978-0470973301 |
Inside Smartgeometry: Expanding the Architectural Possibilities of Computational Design | Terri Peters, Brady Peters | ISBN-13: 978-1118522479 |
Sound Branding, Grundlagen akustischer Markenführung. 2.akt. u erw. Auflage 2014 (wichtig, dass es diese 2. Aufl. ist!) | Steiner, Paul | ISBN-13: 978-3834940148 |
Funktionale Klänge. Bielefeld, Transcript 2009 | Georg Spehr | ISBN-13: 978-3837611687 |
Oxford Handbook of interactive Audio 2014 | K.Collins, B. Kapralos, H. Tessler (eds.) | ISBN-13: 978-0199797226 |
Designing Sound. MIT Press. 2010 | Andy Farnell | ISBN-13: 978-0262014410 |
Making musical apps, O'reilly 2012 | Peter Brinkmann | ISBN-13: 978-1449314903 |
The sound effects bible. M. Wiese Productions. 2008 | R. Viers | ISBN-13: 978-1932907483 |
Die Ordnung der Klänge. Neu übersetzte deutsche Ausgabe, hrg. S. Breitsameter. Schott Music, Mainz 2010 | R. M. Schafer | ISBN-13: 978-3795707163 |
The Sound Studies Reader. Routledge, 2012 | J. Sterne | ASIN: B01K0RA8TK |
Ästhetik des Fadens: Zur Medialisierung eines Materials in der Avantgardekunst | Gunnar Schmidt | ISBN-13: 978-3899428001 |
Soft Matter: The stuff that dreams are made of | Roberto Piazza | ISBN-13: 978-9400705845 |
Ästhetik des Fadens: Zur Medialisierung eines Materials in der Avantgardekunst | Gunnar Schmidt | ISBN-13: 978-3899428001 |
The Politics of Aesthetics | Jacques Rancière | ISBN-13: 978-1780935355 |
Mass mediauras: Form technics media. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. | Weber, S. | ISBN-13: 978-0674008021 |
The Arcades Project, Edited by Rolf Tiedemann, Translated by Howard Eiland, Kevin McLaughlin | Walter Benjamin | ISBN-13: 978-0804726764 |
Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine (Sappol, Hidden Treasure) Hardcover – March 27, 2012 | Michael Sappol | ISBN-13: 978-0922233427 |
The Logic of Practice, Paperback | Pierre Bourdieu et al. | ISBN-13: 978-0804720113 |
Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten: Sinnliche Erkenntnis in der Philosophie des Rationalismus. Aufklärung, Band 20 von: Alexander Aichele, Dagmar Mirbach (Taschenbuch) | ISBN-13: 978-3787319213 | |
New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics, Paperback | Diana Coole | ISBN-13: 978-0822347729 |
Mapping Design Research (Board of International Research in Design) | Simon Grand Paperback | ISBN-13: 978-3034607162 |
Tackling Wicked Problems: Through the Transdisciplinary Imagination, Paperback | Valerie A. Brown | ISBN-13: 978-1844079254 |
Philosophy of Science: A Very Short Introduction | Samir Okasha Paperback | ISBN-13: 978-0192802835 |
Materialien zur aktuellen Debatte um Künstlerische Forschung | ISBN: 978-3-03734-880-2 | |
Inside Rhino 5 | Ron K. Cheng | ISBN: 978-1111124915 |
Bad Pharma | Ben Goldacre | 978-0007350742 |
Designing for behaviour change | Stephen Wendel | 978-1-4493-6762-6 |
software studies | Fuller | 978-0262062749 |
Prescribing by Numbers | jeremy green | 978-0801884771 |
Sorting things out | G. Bowker S.L. Star | 978-0262522953 |
Network Society | Castells | 978-1405196864 |
Splintering Urbanism | Graham | 978-0415189651 |
Cybercities reader | Graham | 978-0415279567 |
Economy of cities | J.Jacobs | 978-0394705842 |
Life and Death of great american citis | J.Jacobs | 978-0679741954 |
Ambient Findability | Peter Morville | 978-0596007652 |
Taming of chance | Hacking | 978-0521388849 |
Smart things | Kuniavsky | 978-0123748997 |
out of our heads | alva noe | 978-0809016488 |
Where the action is | paul dourish | 978-0262041966 |
Divining a Digital Future: Mess and Mythology in Ubiquitous Computing | dourish / Bell | 978-0262015554 |
Enigmas of Health and Disease: How Epidemiology Helps Unravel Scientific Mysteries | Alfredo Morabia | ISBN-13: 978-0231168854 |
2 x 2 = Grün (Hörbuch) | ASIN: B0069TZGU0 | ASIN: B0069TZGU0 (download) |
Die Fiktion der wahrscheinlichen Realität | Elena Esposito | ISBN-13: 978-3518124857 |
Being Digital Citizens | Isin, Ruppert | ISBN-13: 978-1783480562 |
LONDON: The Information Capital: 100 maps and graphics that will change how you view the city | Cheshire, J. | ISBN-13: 978-1846148477 |
Raw Data: Infographic Designers' Sketchbooks | Heller, S. | ISBN-13: 978-0500517451 |
Fragebögen | Max Frisch | ISBN-13: 978 3518394526 |
Visual Strategy | John M. Bryson | ISBN:978-1118605929 |
Surfing Uncertainty | Andy Clark | ISBN:978-0190217013 |
Psychic Life of Power | Judith Buttler | ISBN:978-0804728126 |
This is Service Design Thinking | Marc Stickborn | ISBN: 978-9063692797 |
Design Methoden | Bella Martin | 978-3830714187 |
Digital Doctor | RobetWachter | 978-0071849463 |
Das Fragebuch | Mikael Krogerus | 978-3036955513 |
Spiele der Erwachsenen | Eric Berne | 978-3499613500 |
S M L XL | Koolhaas, R. | ISBN-13: 978-1885254863 |
Content | Koolhaas, R. | ISBN-13: 978-1885254863 |
Projects for Prada Part 1 | Bertelli, P. | ISBN-13: 978-8887029185 |
Speculative Everything | A. Dunne, F. Raby | ISBN-13: 978-0262019842 |
Circus Philosophicus | Harman | ISBN-13: 978-1846944000 |
The Book of Imaginary Beings | Jorge Luis Borges | ISBN-13: 978-0143039938 |
Phänomenologie der Aufmerksamkeit | Bernhard Waldenfels | ISBN-13: 978-3518293348 |
absolute Vilém Flusser | Silvia Wagnermaier | ISBN-13: 978-3936086102 |
Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance | Chris Salter | ISBN-13: 978-0262195881 |
Raumsoziologie | Martina Löw | ISBN-13: 978-3518291061 |
Lines: A Brief History | Tim Ingold | ISBN-13: 978-0415424271 |
Periodic Table | Primo Levi | ISBN-13: 978-0805210415 |
Vibrant Matter | J. Bennett | ISBN-13: 978-0822346333 |
Embodied Cognition | Shapiro | ISBN-13: 978-0415773423 |
embodied mind | F. Varela | ISBN-13: 978-0262720212 |
Die Technologiefalle | Stanislaw Lem | ISBN-13: 978-3518398852 |
Medium is the Message | McLuhan | ISBN-13: 978-1584230700 |
Absolute | V. Flusser | ISBN-13: 978-3936086102 |
Postphenomenology and Technoscience | Ihde | ISBN-13: 978-3936086102 |
Künstlerische Forschung | ||
Smart Cities | A. Townsend | ISBN-13:978-0-393-08287 |
Enchanted Objects | D. Rose | ISBN-13:978-1-14767-2563-5 |
Age of Context | M. Benioff | ISBN-13:978-1-4923-4843-6 |
Designing the Internet of Things | A. McEwen & H. Cassimally | ISBN-13:978-1-118-43062-0 |
The Silent Intelligence | D. Kellmereit & D. Obodovski | ISBN-13:9780989973700 |
To Save Everything Click | E. Morozov | ISBN-13:978-1-61039-138-2 |