Find a topic relating to bird vocalisation or sounds. Collect together information, links and videos and write a short summary of the topic.
Your background research will be collected and shared on the wiki, to form the basis of the the exhibition content.
Possible Research topics:
- Why do birds sing (for attracting a partner/female, for territory defence)?
- Which other functions do bird’s sounds have (contact, predator alarm, ...)
- Role of sexes (mostly male sing but not always)
- Complexity of songs (two voices by one bird, microintervals, temporal resolution)
- Producing bird’s songs ourselves (or the history of reproducing bird songs)
- Birds imitate noise, sounds or other birds
- Orientation in bird’s concert
- Singing despite of noise (birds on rivers, birds in cities)
- Dawn concert
- Comparison of bird’s and human voices
- Sonation (birds making sounds through stridulation)