Material from Music and Arts
Messiaen und die Vögel (Example of relevance of bird song in music and musical-analytic approaches to birdsong))
Dawn Chorus by Marcus Coates
Explores relationship between birdsong and human vocalization (and movement), and the different temporal realities
Also, familiarise yourself with the relevant musical terms used to describe (and imitate / interpret) birdsong:
Intervals, microintervals
Motivs, Leitmotiv
Scales, modes, non-octave modes
- Ring modulation
Aleatorics (in music)
Approaches to Artificial Birdsong
- Starting teaser: Heinz Funk's Moog Demo ZDF (Youtube), Risset's "Sud"
- Introduction to subtractive synthesis (Tal Noise Maker in Reaper, MAX-version)
- Sample manipulation and stitching (Mulab / Max Patch)
- Granular synthesis (Max Patch)