Bits & Atoms III 2018

This lecture series is about more adavanded topics of technology.


Participation in class discussions, completion of exercises, 80% attendance.


Computer Aided Design (Florian)

In preparation for the course, please download and install Rhino (Version 5 or higher).

Week 1 (27.09.18) Room 5.D02Rhino 1

Week 2 (04.10.18) Room 4.T06

Rhino 2

Week 3 (11.10.18) Room 4.K14Rhino 3 & Parametric Design

Sensing & Acting (Joël)

Week 1 (18.10.18)


Week 2 (01.11.18)

Interactivity & Conversation

Data Visualization

As part of the Data Visualization Course.