Project Briefs HS 2020

Project Briefs HS 2020

Topic 2020


Image source: 20Hz observes a geo-magnetic storm occurring in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Working with data collected from the CARISMA radio array and interpreted as audio, we hear tweeting and rumbles caused by the incoming solar wind, captured at the frequency of 20 Hertz. https://semiconductorfilms.com/art/20hz/


In this year's Digital Fabrication module, we will attempt to give substance to the fantastic phenomena governed by quantum mechanics. Quantum theory describes the behaviour of particles and energy in their smallest form, where substances that make up our world appear to behave in a very unworldly way. Students will create lively physical representations of quantum phenomena at a macro scale, leading to scenes that completely disobey the conventions of classical physics. Do these substances exist simultaneously in one place and another? Do they behave vastly different when observed, and when not? Do they break the boundaries of space-time? What possibilities exist for interaction between people and such exotic substances?

Students will explore the topic with sketches, rendering and 3D printed objects and a short animation. This animation will be supported by a brief explanatory text situating it in the real world. 

Main Project Brief


  • Investigate an unlikely or unbelievable phenomenon linked to quantum mechanics and your everyday life

  • Investigate biological, chemical or mathematical form generation processes

  • Develop a mood board (sketches, photographs, material examples)


  • Iterate the form generation process with CAD software / visual programming language

  • Produce forms based on this exploration and 3D print them. 

  • Pick one form example and create an animated rendering of it

  • Name your material/ phenomena/ object

  • Write a short text for the material/phenomena/ object (CA. 150 words)

Video Rendering

  • Continuous Loop (the last frame leads to first frame)

  • 3 to 5 seconds of duration

  • Minimum 24 frames.

  • MOV format H.264 / min. 1920×1080 (image sequence to video instructions)

  • Include original numbered STL files in the documentation folder


In Miro:

  • Share your Mood board 

  • Show either renderings or images of your 3D objects

  • Show your final animation

Reference Material

Quantum Physics:
