Over the course of a six-week module, students will develop a multi-touchpoint service concept for an innovative service ecology targeting smart home solutions for the elderly. The deliverables include testable service concepts.
- Team 1 (challenge 2 or 3) – Aurelian Ammon, Shaën Anouk Reinhart, Daria Babco, Manuel Leuthold
- Team 2 (challenge 1) – Michael Schönenberger, Carlo Natter, Stephanie Dickerson, Alessa Gassmann
- Team 3 (challenge 1) – Adrienn Bodor, Vinzenz Leutenegger, Jérôme Krüsi, Tingting Jiang,
- Team 4 (challenge 2) – Daniel Edoardo Holler, Tobias Dupuch, Katharina Durrer
DesignchallengesDesign challenges
- “Designing the experience of a communication service
for millennial patchwork families
in a world where personal goals and family responsibilities need to be juggled.” - “Improving the everyday living experience at home (health/convenience)
for elderly (60+)
in a world where people are getting older, living in isolation and costs of homecare home care is increasing.” - “Designing a pet care experience
for working or travelling traveling animal lovers
in a world where animals are treated like family members”
- Wed 2nd of May 2018: project briefing at Oysterlab
- Wed 16th of May 2018: presentation of service concept
- Thur 24th of May 2018: prototype demo with cooperation partner
- Thur 7th of June 2018: final presentation
- Fri 8th of June 2018: deliveries on filer server
All dates /imort import as ical
Communication via Slack
- Under Service Exploration you, you'll find methods for the first project phase
- Systematic A systematic overview of research results (photos, videos)
- Service Experience Map
- Under Service Ideation you, you'll find methods for the first project phase
Downloads & Links
- SD Kickoff Week2 Week 2 8th of May (PDF)
- The Teamcanvas
- The Value Proposition Canvas
- Then Characteristics of Great Value Proposition (Checklist)
- Service Model: systematic visualisation visualization of your service flow with a (animated) model documented in form of a photostory photo story or a short film
- Service Performance: enactment of aspects of your Service
- Business Modell Canvas
- Short Video
Techniques like Wizard of Oz, service prototyping und and experience prototyping for real-life scenarios
Downloads & Links
CW 21/22 – Service Enactment
This phase is to test your previously developed service prototypes and use the gained insights to improve your service concept. This week should also be used to start with the production of your service video, as the following week is rather short.
- Fri 1st of June - Team Mentoring (Room: 4.F03-1)
9:00 - Team 4 | 9:40 - Team 3 | 10:30 - Team 2 | 11:10 - Team 1 - Tue 5th of June, 9:00 - 10:00 Kickoff Week 6 (Room 4.T37)
- Thur 7th of June - Final Presentation (15min presentation plus 15min discussion per team) (Room 5.T09)
9:00 Introduction | 9:15 - Team 4 | 9:45 - Team 3 | break | 10:30 - Team 2 | 11:00 - Team 1
14:00 - 15:00: Debriefing - Fri 8th of June, 17:00 - upload of all deliverables on the filer server
Downloads & Links
Deliverables at Final Presentation