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A design research workshop on the subject of sound and interaction


This workshop, will take place in the HS 2020 2021 from January 11th to 22th  2020 and is about innovative sound design of interactions.10th to 21th 2022. 

The goal is the systematic, creative exploration of sound and its significance for the design of interactions , and communication and affordances.

A special focus is on design methods that understand sound as a means and material of interaction design. The projects will be implemented in an iterative process using prototypes, allowing for flexible development and dynamic interactive demonstration of insights. The central aspect is the continuous evaluation of design hypotheses with small " user studies " and field trials. Because there There are only a few rules about Sonic Interaction Design, but a lot of space for experiments and design research that we want to explore.

The goal is therefore not primarily to build functional prototypes incl. Programming programming and sensors, but to work out details and variants of the sound design, as an experience prototype to experience and further develop by user tests.


Information about the project see Project description and deliveries HS 20202021

Course documents, links etc. can be found at SID COURSE MATERIALS


Note: The WIKI will be updated frequently! Please press "reset" regularly (bottom right).



Week 1
Inputs, design tools: conception and evaluation framework, semantic & narrative sound design, MIDI live controls.


Implementation of the sound experiments with functional prototypes and mockups, documented "field trials", final demonstration.

MK MKA = Matthias Kappeler

AVT = Andres Villa TorresMKO = Marcial Koch

13:00 Pick up material at the Ausleihe

9:00 – 10:30 AVT Intro / Overview 

  • local audio routing
  • streaming audio over ip
  • ambisonic simulation with face tracking

12:00 – afternoon

spit group to work on: 

  • start user-testing as soon as possible (document and evaluate every test you make)
  • building a functional cube 
Woche 1

Mo., 611.1. 4.K15remote

Di. 712.1. 4.K15remote

Mi 813.1. Atelier / 4.K15remote

Do. 914.1. Atelier / 4.K15remote

Fr. 1015.1. Atelier & 4.K15remote


9:30 Introduction (MK MKA / AVTMKO)

Warmup "Sonic charade" 

11:00  Input: (MK)

Exercise 1: Evoking Emotion Through Sound in Film 20202021

independent work


independent work

13:00 Kickoff Exercise 2: Sonification 2020

13:30 – 15:30

9:00 Presentation of Exercise 1: Evoking Emotion Through Sound in Film 2020


independent work

  • Develop a basic idea
  • Create sonic moodboards
  • Create first mockups to test the ideas


10:30 Kickoff Project: Sonification

9:00 independent/group work 

10:30 – 12:00 Presentation in class (zoom)

  • situation or problem you are focussing on 
  • first ideas of setups / solutions
  • user testing setup ideas

(also have your blogs set up and the first post uploaded at this point)Mentoring

11:00 – 12:00

Schulterblick mit MKA in Gruppen auf Zoom 


13:00 Pick up material at the Ausleihe

independent work

independent/group work 

  • Develop a basic idea
  • Create sonic moodboards
  • Create first mockups to test the ideas

13:00 – 14:00 MKO Intro / Overview

  • Technical input about Ableton, Touch OSC

independent/group work 

Woche 2

Mo. 1318.1. 4.K15remote

Di. 1419.1. Atelier & 4.K15remote

Mi. 1520.1. Atelier & 4.K15remote

Do. 1621.1. Atelier & 4.K15remote

Fr. 1722.1. 4.K15remote


independent work/group work 

8:00 – 9:30 Presentation in class (zoom)

  • current state of your experiment
  • process
  • results from user testings
  • how you plan to move on from here

Feedback in class

09:00 – 11:00

Mentoring MK MKA + AVTMKO

9:00 – 11:00

Mentoring MK + AVTMKA

9:00 Final demonstration 

Presentation: concept and process

11:00 Course Feedback



Mentorings with AVTMKA, MKO: Setting realistic goals / Reality Check

independent work/group work 

independent work/group work 

independent work/group work 

(start video documentation)

independent work

  • documentation
  • return materials



Investigative Tools

Midi (extern)
