This page will be populated with all exercises given in the class. Use it as a reference for compiling your documentation
Exercise 1.1: Electricity
Using the materials shown, create a circuit with an LED that can be switched on and off.
Exercise 1.2: Electricity
Add another LED to your circuit from exercise 1.1, that can be controlled by it’s own button.
Exercise 2.1: Arduino Blinky
Connect an LED and Resistor (150 ohm) to your Arduino to GND and Pin 11 using your breadboard. Code it to blink using the examples.
Exercise 2.2: More Blinkys
Connect two more LED and Resistors to your Arduino. Code it to blink a sequence on all LED.
Exercise 3.1: Voltage Divider
Assembly the circuit with resistors of two different values. Try calculating the voltage between your resistors, and check with the multimeter if it’s correct.
Exercise 3.2: Light Sensor
Build a circuit and code it to turn on an LED when it gets dark using a Photoresistor.
Optional: code it so the LED fades smoothly between dark and light states.
Exercise 3.3: Reverse Parking helper
Using the VCNL 4040, build a circuit with at least 3 led’s and code it show proximity level (i.e as an object moves closer, more led’s turn on)
Alternative: Operate a motor so it “reverses” itself until it is too close to an object.
Exercise 4.0: Visualize the state of a servo in Processing (Arduino to Processing)
Send the servo state (speed, direction) through Serial to a Processing application. The Processing receives these parameters and visualizes the state of the servo, which could look like the following image:
In the beginning, it is ok just to display text which represents the motor state.
Advanced Task: Try to send commands back to the Arduino and control the motor if the user presses a key on the keyboard.
Exercise 5.0: Sensor visualizer
Create a visual output on your computer from one sensor, using Arduino and Processing.
- Using one of the sensors you have been provided, research on how to correctly connect up the sensor, install a library and get a basic example up and running.
- Output at least one value from the sensor over serial, and interpret that information in a visual form using processing.
What if I can't get either of my sensors to work? Use the VCNL4040 that you already used in the exercise 3.3.