TOPIC: Embodied Fabrication
Dr Joëlle Bitton
Verena Ziegler
Teaching Assistant:
Martin Dusek
Additional support: Joël Gähwiler and Luke Franzke (weeks 4 and 5)
Office hours by appointment
The course runs from 18.09.18 - 18.10.18, from 9.00 - 17.00. See timetable below for more detailed hours and classrooms.
Overview and Objectives
The course proposes an examination and speculation of technologies as they related to Embodied Interaction (ie. mobile computing, wearable interfaces, location-based interactions and digital fabrication...).
This examination covers societal, ethical and social influences.
This year, the course puts an emphasis on 'Embodied Fabrication', where digital fabrication is approached from the perspective of embodiment.
With more flexible and more accessible modes of fabrication, and with social aspects of fabrication emerging in recent years, we have the opportunity to investigate ways that we can transform our physical selves and environments.
During this module, we'll uncover some of these possibilities by designing and informing body orthotics with personal data. By group or individual work, you'll propose such form of body extension.
Design factors may include:
• material intimacy
• processes of fabrication / physical interactions that impact digital fabrication
• wearability
• performative aspects
Your work will encounter some of these research questions:
- What does interaction Design bring to the topic of Digital Fabrication?
- How can the theory of embodied interaction influence digital fabrication processes?
- Can the outcome of the fabrication reflect the theory of embodiment?
- What tools/technology can be used to facilitate this process?
- How can data be visualised in physical form? Can the data be understood, or is it a purely aesthetic output?
Expectations and Gradings
Grades will be based on group presentations and exercises, class participation, documentation (journal) and final work.
Contributing to constructive group feedback is an essential aspect of class participation.
Regular attendance is required. Two or more unexcused absences will affect the final grade. Arriving late on more than one occasion will also affect the grade.
Final work 50%
Group exercises/presentations 20%
Journal Documentation 20%
Class participation 10%
Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.
- Kickoff Exercises
- Final Project and Presentation
- Documentation
A 'Journal' is developed by each student that reflects on learnings from the course. It should be in the form of an online blog (ie. WordPress, Tumblr or other):
- The journal should be structured in a generally comprehensible manner
- The lecture notes, including annotations, are stored
- Notes, sketches for each lesson should be included as well
Course outline and Contents
Tools and Software
- Rhino 6.0 Trial for Windows or Rhino 5.2 for Mac (90 Day test license) including Grasshopper
- Arduino wireless sensor kits
- Skanect (3d scanning with kinect)
- Meshmixer (editing meshes)
Tools available: 3D printer (Ultimaker, Delta, Cetus, Single-line), laser cutter, foam cutter, wire bender, photogrammetry....
Rhino and Grasshopper basics workshop on 21st of September
Arduino wireless sensor kit
Embodied Interaction: Exploring the Foundations of a New Approach to HCI
Creating physical visualizations with makervis
Supporting the design and fabrication of physical visualizations
Technorama Building (analog wind visualization)
Experimental study of apparent behavior
Parametric design and Digital Fabrication for Inflatables
Fashion context