Timetable 2018

Timetable 2018

Week 1 - DATA COLLECTIONTu. 18.9

We 19.9

Th. 20.9

Fr. 21.9

(starting 9:00 unless noted otherwise)

Presentation of mini exercise (3min)


  • fabrication & form finding, body extensions {vz}

Independent study

Rhino Introduction {vz}

  • Rhino Basic (scanning / editing)

(starting 13:00 unless noted otherwise)

Mo. 17.9

13:00 Overview 5th semester

Kick-off course (presentation)

Assignment Data Collection


  • Overview / Methodology, case studies {jb}
  • sensing and data collection{lf}

Mini exercise 01

  • Analogue Data Collection 

Mini Exercise 02

  • Bodystorming

Discussion in groups: From ideation to in-depth concept

  • What drives the design? (example: is it function, speculation or critique)
  • Where could the data come from? (example: wearable sensors)
  • What metaphor could you use?
  • What inspires the form making process (example: fungus, cell division, mathematical geometry,…)

{jb,md, vz}

Presentation of research directions

Answer the questions we asked in the groups discussion: 

From your design interest/wish, reflect on what drives it (function, critique, curiosity, inspiration,..)?, what is the data you will use and how do you collect it (analog, sensor…)?, how will you map it? are you using a metaphor (biomimicry…)?, how would you like to fabricate it? (technology used, materials used…)?


Grasshopper Introduction {vz}

  • Grasshopper Basic
  • Assignment for Students
4.T074.K144.K144.K14Computer Lab 3.K12

Tech LabTech LabTech LabTech Lab

Tu. 25.9 

We. 26.9 

Th. 27.9 Fr. 28.9 
MorningSensor Shiftr IO
Input session
{jb,md, vz}

3D Printing Techniques

  • Input by Roman Jurt
  • Overview of machines
  • Iterations all day

Independent study

Independent study

Tech Lab


Data mapping

  • Input - what is it? what metaphors for data mapping?  {jb}

Grasshopper and Data collection (sensing) iterations/exercises

13.30 - 16.10
Mentoring - Initial Prototype
{jb, vz, md}

  • 20min / team

Computer Lab 4.C02

Tech LabTech LabTech Lab

Tu. 2.10 

We. 3.10 

Th. 4.10Fr. 5.10

3D Printing Techniques

  • review of progress with Roman Jurt

09.30 - 12.10 
Mentoring - Advanced Prototype 
{jb, vz, md}

  • 20min / team

10:00 - 12.30
Mid-Presentation - Overall Concept and Prototype
{jb, vz, md}

Academic writing
Afternoon Independent studyIndependent studyIndependent study

Tech Lab4.K144.K14

Tu. 09.10

We. 10.10

Th. 11.10Fr. 12.10

Independent study

10.00 - 12.15
Mentoring - Advanced Prototype II (at body scale)
{jb, vz}

  • 20min / team

(free flow seminar)(free flow seminar)
Afternoon Independent study

Week 5 - FINAL PRODUCTIONTu. 16.10We. 17.10Th. 18.10Fr. 19.10

09.30 - 12.10
Mentoring - Completed Protoype
{jb, vz}

  • 20min / team

Independent study

Tech Lab

09:00 - 12.00
Final Presentation and Exhibition
{jb, vz}

Academic writing

Afternoon Independent study

13.00 - 17.00
Feedback & Documentation

5.D025.D02; Kino (3.G02); Kaskadenhalle (5.K500)

Tech LabTech Lab