Exhibition Milestones and Guidelines

Exhibition Milestones and Guidelines

Important dates and deadlines

8 March 2018, 09.00 - ca. 11.00

  •  "Informationsanlass" in big concert hall (Konzertsaal)
    Einführungsveranstaltung DDE

27 March 2018,  09.30 - 12.30

  • Exhibition workshop

3 April 2018, 17.00

  • Confirm requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs

6 April 2018

  • Deadline "AVZ Geräte" (detailed information will follow at "Informationsanlass")

17 April 2018 (at the beginning of Progress session 3, "Prototypes in use" (9.00-9.30) Viaduktraum 2A.05
  • Exhibition Layout review on map / Rhino 3D presented to all mentors and students by Mirjam Steiner

2 May 2018

  • Address list for invitations "Presse-Apéro" event on 14 June 2018
    (Invitation to companies, industry contacts, offices, agencies and friends)

6 May 2018

  • Pictures and abstracts for Leporello to send to your mentors, Mirjam Steiner and Joëlle Bitton. 
    Final approval with Joëlle Bitton.

9 May 2018, 17.00

28 May - 1 June 2018

  • Start buildup exhibition with 2nd and 4th BA semester and 1st year MA students

1 June 2018, 14.00

  • Briefing BA- and MA-finals for buildup exhibition

1 - 6 June 2018

  • Buildup with BA- and MA-finals - Including over the Week-End (02 - 03.06)

4 June 2018, 14.00 - 17.00

  • Visit through the exhibition with mentors 

7 June 2018, 17.00 - 23.00

  • Vernissage "Diplomausstellung", opening ZHdK exhibition at 17.00 // official opening IAD exhibition with Apéro at 17.30: Attendance is compulsory for all BA und MA students

8 - 22 June 2018

  • Exhibition, open daily from 12.00 - 20.00
    Plan for exhibition shifts "Betreuung Ausstellung" will be sent separately by Mirjam Steiner.

14 June 2018, 17.00 - ca. 20.00

  • Presse-Apéro IAD
    Exhibition viewing with 5 minutes presentations by each student, followed by an Apéro and Snacks.
    Attendance is compulsory for all BA und MA students

14 June 2018, 17.00 - late

  • Sommerfest ZHdK

22 June 2018

  • Diplomfeier
    (detailed information will follow)

  •  Exhibition Closure (other departments close earlier, on 20 June 2018)

25 June 2018, 10.00-17.00

  • Exhibition take-down and clear-out work space student atelier 4K.22.
    Attendance is compulsory for all BA- und MA- students


Delivery of photo material & abstracts (for exhibition publication / Leporello)


  • one photos portrait or landscape format (300 dpi solution)
  • full scale 3508 x 2480 PIXEL (can differ slightly)
  • no black and white photos, colour code RGB
  • picture format JPG
  • no graphics or logos etc. on the photos except it applies directly to the product or project (but it shouldn't be on the forefront) 
  • no additional texts or letters on the photos (except the theme or work engages with the topic of text or linguistic)
  • no detailed- close-up views, projects should be good recognisable!
  • please take care of good contrast, brightness and light-shadow proportions
  • no 3D-renderings oder sketches, photos should be real photos displaying the work!
  • Idealy, the photos show the working prototype in interaction with people.


  • abstract in English and German!!!
  • Titel, subtitle, name of the student, mentors, contact mail (IMPORTANT: private e-mail- adress, not @zhdk.ch!)
  • max. 345 signs (without space characters); 415 signs (with space characters)
  • Guidelines apply for the German and English text version.

Exhibition Video (optional)

Project- or concept video

Video in higher quality, please submit in the following sizes:

  1. a) 1280 x 720
  2. b) 1920 x 1080

Dateityp:                                   Quicktime (.mov)

Video Codec:                            H.264 compulsory (best quality)

Key frame rate:                         25 FPS

Audio Codec:                            AAC (advanced audio codec)

Sample rate:                             48 kH


Start with a black or white screen, fade in over 1 second.

Fade in sound from beginning of movie



If you are responsible for multiple aspects of the film (i.e you did everything yourself) simply list your credit under “Realization:”

Please credit anyone with specific roles in the project.

Show the IAD logoscreen at the end of the credits (server address)