Lecturers: Luke Franzke
Course Overview
In this course, we will look at physical computing as a method of interaction design. Our definition of Physical Computing refers to the use of hardware and software to make interactive objects that can respond to events in the real world. These events may be general knowledge about the environment (temperature, brightness, etc.) or user interactions (keystroke, approach, touch, etc.). These devices might respond with direct feedback through displays or actuators, or by performing actions in a digital environment. The challenge of physical computing is to make the interface between human and machine as simple and intuitive as possible by taking physical human abilities and habits into account.
Course Goals
The students learn how to handle hardware and software in order to prototype their own ideas. The students develop an understanding of the characteristics of physical interactions and demonstrate them through functional prototypes. From a technical perspective, students learn the areas of electronics, microcontroller programming (Arduino), sensors and actuators.
In the first one and a half weeks, the students will work individually through the introductory topics. In the second stage, students will form groups of 3 people for the final project.
Topic ideas:
AI and actuators?
Natural Language interfaces?
Tangible interactions?
Future of....
- Final Prototype of Object
- Final Presentation
- Standard IAD Documentation
- Video (Making of, Final Prototype)
- Short Documentation (PDF)
Expectations and Grading
Grades will be based on group presentations, class participation, home assignments, documentation (journal) and final work. An attendance of min. 80% is required to pass the course.
- Individual Documentation (30%)
- Group Work (70%)
For the presentation, you will need to bring your objects to 4.T33. Ensure that your project is connected to shiftr.io using the MKR100 with the shared name space for the Zauberwald project (you will be briefed how to do this). A simple visualisation has been prepared to show the outputs on the screen in the seminar room.
- 5 minutes for presentation, and 5 minutes for feedback and discussion
- Live demonstration of your project
- Explain the process and the thinking that brought you to this outcome
- Indicate any further steps that are required to realise your project in an outdoor, winter setting
- No slides needed
References and Links
Morning: 09:00 - 12:00, Afternoon: 13:30 - 17:00
W1 | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning | Kick-off | Analog Input | Transistors | Digital Components |
Afternoon | Digital Output | ICs, H-Bridges | Individual Work | |
W2 | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning | EAGLE CAD | Networking | Individual Mini Project | Individual Mini Project |
Afternoon | PCB Milling | Individual Mini Project | Individual Mini Project | Presentation and cleanup |
W3 | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Morning | Project Kickoff Mentoring | Mentoring | Prototyping | Prototyping |
Afternoon | Prototyping | Prototyping | Mentoring
 | Prototyping |
W4 | Tuesday | Wednesday 31.10 | Thursday | Friday |
Morning | Build | Build | Build | Bits & Atoms III |
Afternoon | Mentoring | Build | Final Presentation | Documentation |