Working Notes by Lecturers

Working Notes by Lecturers

Paying Attention

Make it Relatable for Everyone

  • in a discussion, ask them something in their lives that they would label as embodied - mind shows through body

  • the starting point can be a feeling, a story, a movement, an interaction, a storyline, a case study, a sensor, a tech, a data, a material, scarcity - what drives your inspiration, your process?

Coherent Output & Performance with Embodied Fabrication as a Driving Force

  • Push more Fabrication and Validity of Concept

  • what is the story you tell, what output makes sense

  • analysis of performance - asking them questions after catwalk, etc... - what worked, what didn't

  • what movement does the wearable creates, how does the body behave, mind?

  • avoid types of projects basic, literal, not layered, too hiding behind choreographic - how to explain that?

Sharpening our Senses & Perception

  • framing sensory exercise as attention - situated awareness - at different levels (seeing things at scale of dog)

  • add reflections on observations & readings

  • how does movement influence body/mind and vice-versa,

Valuable Outcome of Material Workshop

  • show process of fab in the material workshop

  • proposed group material experiment / exercise / self fabrication /

Loose Notes

how tech influences-changes-permeates the body, note about increasing scarcity of resources, AI for prototyping/imagining/generating data

how does movement influence body/mind and vice-versa,
how tech/clothing can influence movement - what meaning does it give, what mindset.. philosophy, how : s it make you see the world? interact with it, with others, with yourself?

framing sensory exercise as attention - situated awareness - at different levels (seeing things at scale of dog)

add reflections on observations

push more fabrication and validity of concept 

show process of fab in the material workshop

mental setting - recognize own feelings, own mindset - how a particular item influences the body, how the information is processed by the body (a light, a space, a person next to me, reading the news) - how does it affect the body, how does that create  a performance, 

what is the story you tell, what output makes sense, 

what movement does the wearable creates, how does the body behave, mind?

in a discussion, ask them something in their lives that they would label as embodied - mind shows through body

analysis of performance - asking them questions after catwalk, etc... - what worked, what didn't 

avoid types of projects basic, literal, not layered, too hiding behind choreographic - how to explain that?

the starting point can be a feeling, a story, a movement, an interaction, a storyline, a case study, a sensor, a tech, a data, a material, scarcity - what drives your inspiration, your process? > this course is about understanding what drives your design directions.. 

add first sentence on the syllabus that states the point of the course in terms of meaning, purpose: ie "we move through our life with body and mind...." how does that data, materials and tech help us see the wide spectrum of movements, and presence to ourselves, attention or reverse the sentence.. how this allows us to understand better how we can process info, materials, 


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