



49.5h / 4d / 5%

37.1h / 3d / 4%

Week 1Tu. 21.11

We 22.11

Th. 23.11

Fr. 24.11




10:00 start

Kick-off (presentation)

  • Overview / Methodology, case studies {jb}
  • sensing and data collection{lf}
  • fabrication & form finding {fw}

Free Flow Seminar 


Rhino Introduction {fw}

  • Rhino Basic (scanning / editing)
Afternoon (starting 13:00)

{fw,lf, jb}

Input & Mini exercise 01

  • creative speed dating (75min)
  • Mini Exercise: Analogue Data Collection 

{fw,lf, jb}


Presentation of mini exercise (3min)


Exercice Bodystorming



From ideation to in-depth concept

What drives the design?
Where is the data?
What metaphor do you use?

15:15: Presentation of rough concept

Grasshopper Introduction {fw}

  • Grasshopper Basic
  • Assignment for Students


ZT 5.T07 Hörsaal

Cancel: Seminarraum ZT 5.D02

Seminarraum ZT 5.K10
Seminarraum ZT 5.K10
Computer Lab ZT 3.K11
Week 2

Tu. 28.11 (3D printer available)

We. 29.11. (3D printer available)

Th. 30.11. (3D printer available)Fr. 01.12. (3D printer available)


Morning{fw, jb, lf} Grasshopper and Data collection (sensing)


independent study


{fw, jb,lf}

Mentoring {fw, jb, lf}

  • 30min / team
Afternoon  (starting 13:00)

Mentoring {fw, jb, lf}

  • 30min / team

{fw, jb}

independent study

Intermediate Presentation {fw, jb,lf}

{fw, jb,lf}
independent study

Computer Lab ZT 3.K11

Projektraum ZT 3.E07-A
(Werkstatt Gallerie)

// cancel Seminarraum ZT 5.D02

Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)

Projektraum ZT 3.E07-A
(Werkstatt Gallerie)


Seminarraum needed

Projektraum ZT 3.E07-A
(Werkstatt Gallerie)

Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)

Projektraum ZT 3.E07-A
(Werkstatt Gallerie)

Week 3

Tu. 5.12. (3D printer available)

We. 6.12. (3D printer available)

Th. 7.12.Fr. 8.12.

completion of physical mockups
Morning{lf}independent study{fw, jb,lf} MentoringTheoryWriting Workshop
Afternoon  (starting 13:00){lf}independent study{fw, jb,lf} independent study{fw,lf} independent studyWriting Workshop

Viaduktraum ZT 2.A05 (cancel booking)

Projektraum ZT 3.E07-A
(Werkstatt Gallerie)

Hörsaal ZT 5.T04

Projektraum ZT 3.E07-A
(Werkstatt Gallerie)

Hörsaal ZT 5.T04

Week 4

Tu. 12.12.

We. 13.12.

Th. 14.12.Fr. 15.12.

Morning{fw, jb,lf} Mentoring{fw, jb} independent studyTheoryDocumentation
Afternoon  (starting 13:00)

independent study

{fw,lf} independent study

13.00 Setup up of Exhibition

14:00 Final Presentation 10min / Team
{lf,fw, jb}

Documentation submission (17:00)

Viaduktraum ZT 2.A05 (cancel booking)
Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)
Viaduktraum ZT 2.A05
Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)

Creative Speed Dating Cards:

  • powder, liquid, rubber band, cardboard, waste, tape, writing
  • speed, exertion,  sleep, love, …

Roomreservations to change:

Dieser Raum fehlt uns:

  • 24.11: Seminarraum für min. 20 Personen

Hier benötigen wir wenn möglich einen besseren Raum (Seminarraum statt Hörsaal)

  • Montag 21.11: Wenn möglich auf einen grösseren Seminarraum mit Beamer wechseln (momentan: ZT 5.D02)

Diese Räume benötigen wir nicht und können wieder freigegeben werden:

  • Montag 28.11: ZT 5.D02 (cancel booking)
  • Mittwoch 29.11: Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)
  • Freitag 1.12: Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)
  • Dienstag 5.12: Viaduktraum ZT 2.A05 (cancel booking)
  • Dienstag 12.12: Viaduktraum ZT 2.A05 (cancel booking)
  • Mittwoch 13.12: Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)
  • Freitag 15.12: Hörsaal ZT 5.T04 (cancel booking)

Materials to get:

  • Mac Pro for Scanning (check if it has the correct GPU for Skanect)
  • Skanect License


///////// Work in progress below this line  /////////

Kick off Exercise: finding data analog / digital

Ideation - speed dating 

Looking for datasorces

Exercise: Finding a concept 


Team 1: Adonis Bou Chakra, Maude Kyra Alexandra Richner, Enea Francesco Ingellis

Team 2: Lara Natalia Hänny, Fabrice Spahn, Andreas Dobler

Team 3: Mariana Pote, Jonatan Wetter, Alexander Blaschek

Team 4: Severin Candrian, Claudio Rainolter, Nadine Cocina

Team 5: Fernando Obieta, Gabriel Bach, Nadine Prigann

Embodied Fabrication Preliminary notes

Embodiment & Fabrication

  • material intimacy
  • processes of fabrication / physical interactions that impact digital fab
  • physical position towards machine / proximity
  • wearability 
  • personal data
  • performative aspects

Topic in relation to Wearables

  • body extensions
  • visualising what is internalised
  • wearing the inside / out
  • bespoke fabrication for the body

Personal Data

  • making things from personal data
  • design by data
  • data storytelling / creativity
  • form follows data
  • tangible release of data


  • Digital fab skills reminder for 5th semester students
  • Tech: working with presence sensor
  • See text and structure of previous class: https://selffab.wordpress.com

What does interaction Design bring to the topic of Digital Fabrication? 

How can the theory of embodied influence digital fabrication processes? 

Can the outcome of the fabrication reflect the theory of embodiment? 

What tools/technology can be used to facilitate this process? 

How cad data be visualised in physical form? Can the data be read, or is transformed purely into an aesthetic output? 

Tools and Inspiration: 

I've ordered the breathing radar sensor from xethru, which might be interesting tool for collecting vital functions data (Luke) 


Possible collaboration partners:

Could be an interesting contact for looking at motion/performance as an input for generating form. (Luke)

Hope you're well. Something you might be interested in - I met with director/choreographer Saar Magal recently, she's preparing for a new theater piece and and is interested in tracking movement and sound from performers and visualising it in real-time. The look/function is open, the interesting thing would be the possibility to project the visualisation back into a live performance. She seems open to ideas, and will be holding workshops with her performers to test out ideas later this year. I thought i'd put you in touch in case it fits somehow with what you or the students are doing.


Students experiment a process in a Triangle : data collection / data mapping / fabrication

Focus on a methodology / pedagogy tool that students can reuse after (toolkit)

Pedagogical framework

how to start the creative process: with a problem, question or just with the desire to work with a specific dataset, or with an end result in mind

at least give a context to start the creative process: body/wearables/prosthetics/additional body parts

what do I need to mine/survey for a week to find the right extra body part I need


Possible titles

  • my perfekt new bodypart

Data collection (week 1):

  • Question: What data / problem to focus on.
  • Collect data: analog / digital
  • Presentations of the range of data collection: analog forms, electronic sensors, quantified self tools, users studies, users outputs (emails, text messages) // personal context of the body or the space around the body
  • Tutorial for a couple of sensors
  • Body analysis / scan (Kinect/iPhone App) 


  • 3D scanning (florian / luke)
  • Thermoplast input (florian)
  • Make volumes out of 2D surfaces (folds/origami), understand geometry
    possible tools: pepakura, tinkercad, …

Data mapping (week 2)


  • Use of 3D Printer (luke)
  • Refresher on Laser and 123Dmake, etc (luke)

Fabrication (week 3 / week 4)

  • We can include notions of growth or transformation (robotics/soft robotics)



  • Tinkercad
  • Anatomy
  • Soft robotics
  • Swarms
  • Critical design