Digital Walden. Resilient strategies in the digital forest.

Digital Walden. Resilient strategies in the digital forest.

Interdisciplinary design practice VIAD, spring semester 2020: 

Mentors: Verena Ziegler, Antonio Scarponi.




Week 1. Course Launch. 

Goal: General constructive scheme concept definition. 


Mo 17.02, room 4.K16

10.00-10.30 Course Introduction. 

(Verena and Antonio) 

10.30-10.45 Break.

10.45-12.00 First task part I: idea party. 


12.00-13.00 Lunch break

13.00-15.30 First task part II: idea “after-party” and tasks distribution and first tasks group formations (3-4 group max, 3-4 students each). 

(Verena and Antonio)

15.30- 15.45 Break

15.45-16.30 First day “Summa Summarum

(Verena and Antonio)

16.00-16.30 Q&A

(Verena and Antonio)


Tu 18.02, room 4.K16

9.00- 12.00 Mentoring, first ideas development, first sketches, first sketch prototypes. 

(Verena and Antonio).

12.00-13.00 Lunch Break. 

14.00-17.00 Input development. No mentoring scheduled. 


We 19.02, room 4.K16

9.00-12.00 Input development. No mentoring scheduled. 

12.00-13.00 lunch break.

 14.30-16.30 Mentoring.

(Verena and Antonio)


Th 20.02, room 4.K16

9.00-12.00 Concept Development

12.00-13.00 Lunch break. 

14.00-15.30 Mentoring

(Verena and Antonio)


Fr. 21.03, room 4.K16

9.00-12.00 Concept Development

12.00-13.00 Lunch Break

13.00-15.00 Coordination Meeting and next step planning

(Antonio and Verena)


Week 2. Cima Norma

Goal: Experimenting with survival huts with forest material in Cima Norma. 


Mo 24.02

Arrival in Cima Norma


Tu 25.02

Cima Norma

9.00-10.00 site exploration

10.00-12.00 experimentation starts

12.00-13.00 Lunch break 

13.00-16.30 experimentation development


We / Th 26-27.02

Cima Norma

9.00 – 12.00 building and experimentation

12.00-13.00 lunch break

13.00-16.30 building and experimentation development 


Fr 28.02

Cima Norma        

9.00-11.00 week wrap up and next steps planning 

11.00 -12.00 packing up

12.00-13.00 Lunch

16.00-17.00 Arrival in Toni Areal and material arrangement (some students needs to be available) 


Week 3. Goal: Bar / Pavilion construction 

Aktionsraum 5.K06 


Tu 03.03

9.00-9.30 Next steps coordination planning 

(Verena and Antonio)

9.30-11.00 Mentoring

(Verena and Antonio)

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-17.00 construction development


We/Th 04-05.03 

9.00-12.00 Construction

12.00-13.00 lunch 

13.00-17.00 construction 


Fr 06.03

9.00-12.00 Bar/Pavilion final touch

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-16.30 Bar/Pavilion Final touch and planning digitalization. 




Week 4. Goal: Post-Production and final Apero.


5.K600 Rampe E05

Tu/Th 10.03-12.03 

Mentoring scheduled ad hoc


Fr 13.03

Symposium, final presentation, course evaluation

Detailed schedule will be provided. 



my newest article:

http://www.archidoct.net/Issues/ArchiDoct_vol7_iss2/Archidoct 14 05 inbetween.pdf

Parametric design, symbiosis and decay:


https://books.google.ch/books?id=I9e0DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=kristina+schinegger+stefan+rutzinger,+operations+of+the+formless&source=bl&ots=9sp6lh5wSA&sig=ACfU3U3-Oa9WGXcVBGW-HJ9bmLMxJDWNdg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxztee59rnAhWN16YKHSZGDzIQ6AEwC3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=kristina schinegger stefan rutzinger%2C operations of the formless&f=false


https://www.facebook.com/TallinnArchitectureBiennale/posts/tab-is-excited-to-introduce-soma-architecture-as-one-of-the-participators-in-the/2851494504920704/ (first content)




Tim Ingold, Bringing things to life; Jonathan Crary, Suspension of Perception; Lambros Malafouris, At the potter`s wheelAwesomest book ever:

Hartmut Rosa, Resonanz https://www.weltbild.ch/artikel/ebook/resonanz_21402986-1?origin=pla&wea=2225146&gclid=Cj0KCQiAs67yBRC7ARIsAF49CdWGhEzTfLg5Az4LrpmkeU8sa8PgpgVPMV4_X6u3qbWQLohyufFHy9YaApAWEALw_wcB

Baubotanik (built botanic):

Ferdinand Ludwig http://www.ferdinandludwig.com

Interesting related work / 3d Sound:

Shape the Future of Audio // Zimoun, https://vimeo.com/170475643