p5j.s Typography

Using System fonts in p5.js is quite simple. You can also load your own fonts and use them to type on the canvas

let myFont; function preload() { myFont = loadFont('helvetica.otf'); //load your own font } function setup() { fill(0,0,255); textFont(myFont); textSize(36); text('p5*js', 10, 50); }


In order to make interactive, kinetic typography, you need to use p5.Graphics. By calling createGraphics(w, h, [renderer]) you can draw into an off-screen graphics buffer. It allows you to overlay graphics on top of the canvas

The following example is based on Processing-Tutorial: Kinetic Typography 1 • tim rodenbröker creative coding

// GRID const g = 100; // cell width const cellnum = 5; // numbers of cells per row and column // BASIC let cg; //canvas // SOURCE let sx; let sy; let sw; let sh; // DESTINATION let dx; let dy; let dw; let dh; var wave; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); cg = createGraphics(400, 400); cg.fill(0,0,0); cg.textFont("Hind"); } function draw() { background(225); // grid(); cg.push(); cg.translate(width / 2, height / 2); cg.textSize(200); cg.textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); cg.text('p5.js', 0, 0); cg.pop(); for (let x = 0; x < cellnum; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < cellnum; y++) { wave = int(cos((frameCount + ( x*y )) * 0.1) * 200); // SOURCE sx = x * g + wave; sy = int(y * g + (wave*0.2)); sw = g; sh = g; // DESTINATION dx = x * g; dy = y * g; dw = g; dh = g; copy(cg, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh); } } grid(); } function grid() { for (let i = 0; i < cellnum; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < cellnum; j++) { //show grid background cg.strokeWeight(random(1,3)); cg.stroke(0); cg.noFill(); cg.rect(i * g, j * g, g, g); } } }

Another method to manipulate the font is to use textToPoints(txt, x, y, fontSize, [options])method, which allows us to create a vertex array on the path which define a specific string.