P5js Lesson 3.1 – Basic Leap Examples
P5js Lesson 3.1 – Basic Leap Examples
Basic hand Location
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*; LeapMotion leap; void setup(){ size(1000, 800); leap = new LeapMotion(this); } void draw(){ background(255); // ========= get hand locations from Leapmotion ========= for(Hand hand : leap.getHands()){ // ----- Variables ----- PVector hand_position = hand.getPosition(); boolean hand_is_left = hand.isLeft(); boolean hand_is_right = hand.isRight(); if(hand_is_left) { // println("left"+hand_position); fill(0,0,255); ellipse(hand_position.x, hand_position.y, 16, 16); } if(hand_is_right) { fill(255,0,0); //println("right"+hand_position); ellipse(hand_position.x, hand_position.y, 16, 16); } } }
Finger and Joint Locations
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*; LeapMotion leap; void setup() { size(800, 500); leap = new LeapMotion(this); } void draw() { background(255); // ========= HANDS ========= for (Hand hand : leap.getHands ()) { // ----- SPECIFIC FINGER POINT ----- Finger finger_thumb = hand.getThumb(); PVector finger_thumb_loc = finger_thumb.getPosition(); Finger finger_index = hand.getIndexFinger(); PVector finger_index_loc = finger_index.getPosition(); Finger finger_middle = hand.getMiddleFinger(); PVector finger_middle_loc = finger_middle.getPosition(); Finger finger_ring = hand.getRingFinger(); PVector finger_ring_loc = finger_ring.getPosition(); Finger finger_pink = hand.getPinkyFinger(); PVector finger_pink_loc = finger_pink.getPosition(); // ----- DRAWING ----- drawEllipse(finger_thumb_loc); drawEllipse(finger_index_loc); drawEllipse(finger_middle_loc); drawEllipse(finger_ring_loc); drawEllipse(finger_pink_loc); // ========= Joints ========= for (Finger finger : hand.getFingers()) { // ----- SPECIFIC BONE ----- Bone bone_distal = finger.getDistalBone(); Bone bone_intermediate = finger.getIntermediateBone(); Bone bone_proximal = finger.getProximalBone(); Bone bone_metacarpal = finger.getMetacarpalBone(); // ----- DRAWING ----- finger.drawJoints(); finger.drawLines(); } } } void drawEllipse(PVector point) { ellipse(point.x, point.y, 10, 10); }
Swipe Recognition
import de.voidplus.leapmotion.*; LeapMotion leap; void setup(){ size(800, 500); background(255); // leap = new LeapMotion(this).withGestures(); // with all gestures leap = new LeapMotion(this).withGestures("swipe"); // Leap detects only swipe gestures. } void draw(){ } // ----- SWIPE GESTURE ----- void leapOnSwipeGesture(SwipeGesture g, int state){ int id = g.getId(); PVector position_start = g.getStartPosition(); PVector position = g.getPosition(); switch(state){ case 1: // Start break; case 2: // Update break; case 3: // Stop position.sub(position_start); position.normalize(); if(position.x >= 0) { println("towards right"); } else { println("towards left"); } break; } }
, multiple selections available,