p5.js Vector Fields

p5.js Vector Fields

const gridWidth = 40; const gridHeight = 40; const screenWidth = 700; const screenHeight = 700; var distX; var distY; var reactorPosition; var vectLineList = []; function setup() { reactorPosition = createVector(0, 0); createCanvas(700, 700); background(255); stroke(0); let distX = width/gridWidth+1; let distY = height/gridHeight+1; for (var i = 0; i<gridWidth; i++ ) { for (var j = 0; j<gridHeight; j++ ) { vectLineList.push(new VectorLine(i*distX, j*distY)); } } } function draw() { background(255); for (var i = 0; i<vectLineList.length; i++ ) { vectLineList[i].show(reactorPosition); } } function mouseMoved() { reactorPosition.x = mouseX; reactorPosition.y = mouseY; } class VectorLine { constructor(x,y){ this._vector = createVector(0, 5); this._pos = createVector(x, y); this._vector.add(this._pos); this.reactorScaler = 0.07; } show(reactor) { this._reactor = reactor.copy(); this.reactorDistance = dist(this._reactor.x, this._reactor.y, this._pos.x, this._pos.y); this.scaler = this.reactorDistance * this.reactorScaler; this._reactor.sub(this._pos); // subtract VectorLines position from the reactors position, this effectively gives a reactor coordinate relative to our VectorLine coordinate this._vector = this._reactor.copy(); this._vector.normalize(); this._vector.rotate(PI/4); this._vector.mult(this.scaler); this._vector.add(this._pos); // line(this._pos.x, this._pos.y, this._vector.x, this._vector.y); ellipse(this._vector.x,this._vector.y, 5, 5); } }



Use the vector code in the example to produce a flowing arrangement of geometric forms.


Example Solution using tear-drop form



const gridWidth = 20; const gridHeight = 20; const screenWidth = 700; const screenHeight = 700; var distX; var distY; var reactorPosition; var vectLineList = []; function setup() { reactorPosition = createVector(0, 0); createCanvas(700, 700); background(255); stroke(0); let distX = width/gridWidth+1; let distY = height/gridHeight+1; for (var i = 0; i<gridWidth; i++ ) { for (var j = 0; j<gridHeight; j++ ) { vectLineList.push(new VectorLine(i*distX, j*distY)); } } } function draw() { background(255); for (var i = 0; i<vectLineList.length; i++ ) { vectLineList[i].show(reactorPosition); } } function mouseMoved() { reactorPosition.x = mouseX; reactorPosition.y = mouseY; } class VectorLine { constructor(x,y){ this._vector = createVector(0, 5); this._pos = createVector(x, y); this._vector.add(this._pos); this.reactorScaler = 0.07; } show(reactor) { this._reactor = reactor.copy(); this.reactorDistance = dist(this._reactor.x, this._reactor.y, this._pos.x, this._pos.y); this.scaler = this.reactorDistance * this.reactorScaler; this._reactor.sub(this._pos); // subtract VectorLines position from the reactors position, this effectively gives a reactor coordinate relative to our VectorLine coordinate this._vector = this._reactor.copy(); this._vector.normalize(); this._vector.rotate(PI/4); this._vector.mult(this.scaler); this._vector.add(this._pos); // this._pointTwo = this._vector.copy(); this._pointTwo.rotate(PI/2); this._pointTwo.mult(8); this._pointTree = this._pointTwo.copy(); this._pointTree.rotate(PI/2); this._pointFour = this._pointTree.copy(); this._pointFour.rotate(PI/2); this._pointTwo.add(this._pos); this._pointTree.add(this._pos); this._pointFour.add(this._pos); this._vector.mult(this.scaler); this._vector.add(this._pos); noStroke(); fill(0); beginShape(); curveVertex(this._vector.x, this._vector.y); curveVertex(this._vector.x, this._vector.y); curveVertex(this._pointTwo.x, this._pointTwo.y); curveVertex(this._pointTree.x, this._pointTree.y); curveVertex(this._pointFour.x, this._pointFour.y); curveVertex(this._vector.x, this._vector.y); curveVertex(this._vector.x,this. _vector.y); endShape(); } }