P5js Bitmap or SVG Permutations
P5js Bitmap or SVG Permutations
int gridW = 15; int gridH = 15; int xStep = 60; int yStep = 60; PShape[] imageList; void setup() { size(800, 800); smooth(); imageList = new PShape[9]; imageList[0] = loadShape("perm1.svg"); imageList[1] = loadShape("perm2.svg"); imageList[2] = loadShape("perm3.svg"); imageList[3] = loadShape("perm4.svg"); imageList[4] = loadShape("perm5.svg"); imageList[5] = loadShape("perm6.svg"); imageList[6] = loadShape("perm7.svg"); imageList[7] = loadShape("perm8.svg"); imageList[8] = loadShape("perm9.svg"); } void draw() { background(255); int newIndex; for (int i=0; i < gridW; i++) { for (int j=0; j < gridH; j++) { PVector pos = new PVector(i * xStep, j * yStep); newIndex = calcIndex(pos, imageList.length); pushMatrix(); translate(pos.x, pos.y); scale(.5); shape(imageList[newIndex], 0, 0); popMatrix(); } } } int calcIndex(PVector obj, int maxIndex) { float distance = dist(obj.x, obj.y, mouseX, mouseY); return (int)map(distance, 0, dist(0, 0, width, height), 0, maxIndex-1); }
Example for leap motion
class VisualD { int shapeWidth = 60; int shapeHeight = 60; int gridWidth; int gridHeight; PShape[] imageList; VisualD() { gridWidth = width/shapeWidth+1; gridHeight = height/shapeHeight+1; imageList = new PShape[9]; imageList[0] = loadShape("perm1.svg"); imageList[1] = loadShape("perm2.svg"); imageList[2] = loadShape("perm3.svg"); imageList[3] = loadShape("perm4.svg"); imageList[4] = loadShape("perm5.svg"); imageList[5] = loadShape("perm6.svg"); imageList[6] = loadShape("perm7.svg"); imageList[7] = loadShape("perm8.svg"); imageList[8] = loadShape("perm9.svg"); } void draw(PVector _reactorPosition, float _reactorScaler) { background(255); int newIndex; for (int i=0; i < gridWidth; i++) { for (int j=0; j < gridHeight; j++) { PVector pos = new PVector(i * shapeWidth, j * shapeHeight); newIndex = calcIndex(pos, imageList.length, _reactorPosition); pushMatrix(); translate(pos.x, pos.y); scale(.5); shape(imageList[newIndex], 0, 0); popMatrix(); } } } int calcIndex(PVector obj, int maxIndex, PVector _reactorPosition){ float distance = dist(obj.x,obj.y, _reactorPosition.x,_reactorPosition.y); return (int)map(distance,0,dist(0,0,width,height),0,maxIndex-1); } }
, multiple selections available,
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